Contact GardenFocused and Who We Are

We welcome your comments and questions about this website. Click on the link below to send us an email or copy the link and paste it in as the email address.

If you have a question about a specific plant, shrub, vegetable, herb or fruit please use the contact form at the end of the relevant page.

[email protected]

The content of the site was created by David Marks.

Why is special? Here are a few reasons:

  • All the dates given in this website can be personalised to your home town. After all, the best date for planting tomatoes outside is quite different in Brighton (best date isthe first week of May) compared to the best date in Chester (best date isthe last week of May). The reason for the different dates is the last frost date which differs considerably throughout the UK. Tomatoes plants are killed stone-dead by frost so planting before the last frost date in your area is doomed to failure! The same applies to many other vegetables, herbs and fruit.

  • To set the dates to be relevant for your home town click on the link in red at the top right of every page in the website. Having set your dates to be accurate for your home town they will not only apply to every date in GardenFocused but they will also stay set for six months.

  • The vast majority of our articles are backed up by illustrative pictures and not only do pictures "tell a thousand words" but they also prove that we have personal experience of the subject written about. Take our article on growing abay treeas an example, the section on pruning to a lollipop shape shows a picture of our very own lollipop shaped bay tree which took five years to grow. When we write about a subject we have real first hand experience of doing it and that translates into practical advice for you as one of our readers.

  • 毫无疑问的公关emier discussion forum for growing fruit and veg in the UK is Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg Magazine, here are a couple of quotes about GardenFocused which can be found there:
    • I found a very nifty site (ignore if this is common knowledge!) with planting dates for common plants. You enter your UK location, and it calculates the planting dates from the average "last frost" date for your region- see here.
      This quote can be foundhere.
    • Guide to UK first and last frost dates - GardenFocused
      I like this site, not only does it give a frost indication, it also gives an idiot's guide to exactly what to do when. Suits me to a T. I've bookmarked it. Thanks.
      This quote can be foundhere.
    • I'm trying this one this year because I get totally confused even about approximate dates.
      Create your own vegetable growing calendar - GardenFocused
      It doesn't have all the veg but the main ones are there. It also shows a crop rotation plan based on the veg you select.
      This quote can be foundhere.

But don't take our word for it, explore our site to find out how it is truly unique, written in plain English and relevant to your gardening needs.
